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  1. Run the installer for installing Mavis Beacon Keyboarding Kidz Mickey's Adventures.
  2. After double click on "Mavis Beacon Keyboarding Kidz Mickey's Adventures" icon a new windows will appear, so click on Next here
  3. Before you can complete the installation process, you must accept the terms of the license agreement. Once you have accepted the terms of the agreement, click Next to continue.
  4. Click Next again to install the program. Click Quit to return to the previous screen.
  5. After installation of Mavis Beacon Keyboarding Kidz Mickey's Adventures a Folder with "MavisBeaconKeyboardingKidzMickey'sAdventures" title created in Application directory

Applications from the list and clicking Choose.

  1. Once the installation is complete, click Quit to exit the installer.
  2. To start the program after the initial installation, double‐click the program icon. The icon is located on the hard drive in:
  3. Applications
  4. MavisBeaconKeyboardingKidzMickey'sAdventures folder
  5. Mavis Beacon Keyboarding Kidz Mickey's Adventures icon