3D Print Check
Available in DesignCAD 3D Max Only****
Menu: Tools/3D Print
This tool determines if a mesh is 3D printable or not. The the result is based on the common tests for 3D printability.
General Information includes:
o Number of Facets
o Number of Edges
o Min XYZ/Max XYZ extents
o Length, Width, Height
o Maximum Length
o Minimum Length
Tests include:
o Duplicate facets
o Collapsed facets
o Closed and watertight
o Manifold
o Number of Parts/Shells
o Normal orientation
The images below show how this tool functions. The tool was run on some of the mesh objects. The screenshots contain the results.
Mesh Repair Tool:
In DesignCAD 3D MAX, user can repair the open edges and duplicate facets of a mesh. FoImages that show how this feature can be used.
Before Repair:
After Repair: